Evianne heart so like your arms you brush towards your heart and your legs you brush upwards towards your heart you had to be careful on more sensitive areas like your chest and think it's not super soft off yeah it is rather ha ha the it's important for it to be natural bristle I heard another question yeah and it's only like 5 or 6 dollars for it so I thought oh for that like I might as well try yeah so I've been doing Beachbody and workouts and stuff for quite a while and I hadn't really been seeing much of a difference it cellulite but actually I just started using this like last month and this combined with the workouts yeah I have seen that a huge change yeah so when I use cuz it boosts the circulation and it's regulation and it's supposed to like stimulate the lymphatic system so I'm washing now like detoxing and th evianne reviews ose buzzwords I hate use it found like three times a week and just brush my legs I really focus on my legs and butt cuz that's where I have no cellulite and upward motions it really afford a shower mm-hmm it really exploits - and the looser skin really soft so I can't get little bumps on my thighs I am those two like the KP uh-huh kind of bumps and this one really gets rid of it ohh so having silky stops good skin
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